By 2021, more than 40% of organizations will use AI and machine learning to combat fraud.

By 2021, more than 40% of organizations will use AI and machine learning to combat fraud.

In just two years, artificial intelligence and machine learning will be used to counter fraud three times as often as it is now. Such data were obtained in the course of a joint study of SAS and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners( ACFE). Currently, 13% of organizations that took part in the survey are already using such anti-fraud tools, and another 25% said that they plan to implement them within the next year or two.

The joint study of SAS and ACFE was launched in February 2019, and its results were summed up at the end of June 2019. For this purpose, the responses of 1055 ACFE members working in different countries of the world were studied. As a result, an interactive report was created. The questions asked by the experts concerned the technologies and tools used in their organizations to combat fraud.

As it turned out, currently most organizations often use pre-configured reports on key fraud events using classic tools, for example, from Microsoft Office. . This is a standard tool for 64% of the companies covered by the study. In the second most popular place is automatic monitoring using expert business rules — it is used in 54% of organizations. Closes the three visual data study using BI tools — it accounts for 35%.

As for the plans for the development of technologies used , in addition to the growth of interest in AI, the authors of the study identified the following trends: more widespread use of biometrics is expected. Now it is used by about one in four organizations, and another 16% of survey participants plan to implement until 2021; it is planned to pay much more attention to various tools and techniques of data analysis. It is expected that by 2021, 72% of organisations will use to combat fraud automatic monitoring data automatic detection of anomalies etc.; predictive Analytics is planned to be used in 52% of organizations, which is 22% higher than the previous study; a growing trend in the use of data visualization tools continues — 47% of organizations plan to use them or continue to use them (now 35% are trying them on). One of the questions asked by participants concerned the most frequently used analytical tools. It was found that SAS solutions are most often chosen to solve predictive Analytics and modeling, to analyze social relationships and the use of graph Analytics, for in-depth analysis of text information.

«As attackers use the latest technology to build increasingly sophisticated criminal schemes, professionals who oppose them must also resort to the most advanced solutions, — said Bruce Dorris, President and CEO of the ACFE. — The choice of the most effective technologies and risk management tools depends on the answer to the question of who will be the winner of this confrontation».

«It is very important for organizations to understand what benefits they will receive from the use of modern anti-fraud technologies. Will it allow them to increase the efficiency of the monitoring process, protect business and launch new products painlessly? Developing its anti-fraud solutions based on AI, machine learning, predictive modeling and other advanced technologies, SAS focuses on practical benefits, the ability to achieve measurable improvements. Despite the fact that for nearly 20 years we have been developing various methods and tools to combat fraud, only now we’re seeing a steady interest in these technologies from major companies, as it was before, and significantly smaller institutions that are now aware of what opportunities they can give advanced Analytics in the fight against fraud,» commented Alexey Konyaev, head of analytical solutions for anti-fraud SAS Russia/CIS.


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